Can someone tell me how to transform Style XP themes into Windowblinds? I read somewhere that you can do this. I have SkinStudio to do it, just dont know what to do. lol
on Oct 08, 2003
on Oct 08, 2003
In SkinStudio, simply go to 'File->Open', then click on XP Visual Styles and look for the .msstyles file, open it up, then go to 'File->Save As', and pick Windowblinds UIS2 from the list. Turn any StyleXP theme into a WB in less than 30 seconds.
on Oct 08, 2003
you mean convert if you have full version of SkinStudio you can do this by "Open dialog/ImportVS/Browse for *.msstyles" just follow onscreen instructions

or follow this link

voo mutters or follow Hus
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